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Energy is both ying and yang.
— Master Tony
It is a spiritual gift, not a learned trait.
— Mystic Matt
  • Tarot

    Utilizing tarot, oracle & various other card decks, Mystic Matt uses any combination of these, along with his natural gifts to look into the past, present and potential future to help guide the body, mind, and soul. This in turn helps open one’s channels to have a better understanding to therefore prosper & evolve in their own journeys.

  • Mediumship

    Mystic Matt uses his pure, natural abilities to connect with loved ones from the other side that may reveal messages for your spiritual journey. Mystic Matt reads the soul & energy of the person & may pick up on someone even if they are still alive.

    Mystic Matt utilizes automatic writing & some astrological tools during this type of reading, which is utilizing the energetic field around himself, the client, the universe & the other side.

    This reading may provide a more in-depth experience to the clients past, current & potential future regarding the evolution of the soul in multiple lifetimes.

  • Limpias Con Juevo

    There are many types of Limpias. There are Limpias con Huevo(egg), Limpias con Humaso(smoke), Limpias con Aguas(waters, usually of the spiritual nature), Limpias con Platicas & Limpias con Baridas(sweeping).

    Mystic Matt first discerns what type of Limpia is needed. Limpia con Huevo has Mystic Matt utilizing an egg, rubbing it down, passing it along the body. Mystic Matt utilizes other tools & prayers to remove negative energy or spiritual blockages around and within the individual.

    This egg is not cracked and placed in a glass of hot water. That is known as Oomancy, which refers to divination by egg to help diagnose, aid and/or interpret illness. Oomancy & the evil eye is similar except you place the egg underneath the client’s bed, an alter or mantle. After 1 day you crack the egg into a bowl of water and begin to interpret.

  • Reiki

    Reiki Master Tony uses his training to impart reiki energy to the 7 main chakras cleansing and removing anything that might be hindering ones spiritual and physical journey.

    Full Reiki overview:

    Duration: 45 minutes-1hour

    meditation music with a choice of sensory goggles

    Body scan

    Natural Raw Stone placement on the main 7 chakras and parts of the body where vibrations are felt.

    Open the main 7 chakras with a pendulum.

    Reiki body positions

    Imparting reiki healing energy in each chakra and balancing the chakra with the universe

    Closing each chakra and removing stones

    Clients rests for five minutes before getting back up.

    Disclaimer: Reiki sessions are not a one and done service. Energy is both ying and yang, and energy balancing is needed at least once a month, or how one feels needed. Reiki is a professional service that requires an intake form to be filled out before treatment.

    Nothing is guaranteed. Staff at E.R.B. are not doctors and it is not the intent of E.R.B., or our employees to diagnose, treat, or cure illnesses/ailments. Please consult your doctor before using products, especially if pregnant or nursing. Reiki is not to be performed on anyone with an implanted medical device or heart pacer.